Backing up your site regularly also helps in procuring from clean hacked wordpress site hackers. You must keep a copy of your documents hide away in backup system so that you can be certain of your database. This makes you a protected backup files that serves you in times of unexpected down is the system. Hackers are less likely to slip from a secured back up system.
An easy way to keep WordPress safe would be to use a few built-in tools. First of all, do not allow people run a web host security scan to list the documents in your folders and automatically backup your web hosting account.
Exclude pages - This plugin adds a checkbox,"include this page in menus", which can be checked by default. If you uncheck it, the page will not appear in any listings of webpages (which includes, and is ordinarily restricted to, your page navigation menus).
As I (our untrue Joe the Hacker) understand, people have far too many usernames and passwords to remember. You've got Twitter, Facebook, your online banking, LinkedIn, two site logins, FTP, web hosting, etc. accounts that all include logins and passwords you will need to remember.
However, I advise that you install the Login LockDown plugin instead of any.htaccess controls. Login requests will stop from being allowed after three failed login attempts from a specific IP try these out address for one hour. If you do that, you may get into your panel whilst away click this from your office, and yet you have protection against hackers.